The Russians Blew Up a Children's Hospital in Kyiv

The explosions woke me up. I counted three in a row.

I went to the window. Our view of the city center was unmarred, but looking south out of the laundry room showed smoke - lots of it and close.

In a typical air raid, you hear sirens and nothing else. Most are false alarms. The authorities sound the alarm when any plane capable of delivering a missile takes off in Russia. Sometimes you hear sirens then a few explosions from Patriot missiles taking down Russian cruise missiles.

This is one of the few times the explosions kept coming. Anna was out running errands, saw the missile drop from the sky and snapped the photo below.

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Steven Moore is a political strategist and public opinion researcher who has a track record of running towards danger to lend a helping hand.

Steven Moore

Steven Moore is a political strategist and public opinion researcher who has a track record of running towards danger to lend a helping hand.

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